B.O.B. (2560 x 1000 px)

Embarking on a fitness journey is easy in theory, but the real challenge lies in effectively planning and executing a strategy that leads to success. The plethora of options in fitness and health can be overwhelming, leaving many questions unanswered: What exercises are best? How often and how long should you work out? What diet should you follow? This ebook is here to guide you through these choices, helping you avoid common mistakes and misconceptions.

My journey through various fitness disciplines, from Crossfit to bodybuilding, and even a stint in fitness modeling, was filled with trials and errors. Now, as a successful gym owner, I've applied these experiences to help numerous athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

15 mistakes

This ebook is a culmination of my experiences, designed to steer you clear of the pitfalls that many encounter. You'll gain insights into efficient and effective approaches to health and fitness, saving time, money, and avoiding unnecessary frustrations. My goal is to help you achieve your fitness objectives more swiftly and with fewer setbacks.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's dive in and pave the way to your fitness success!


The Bent On Better Experience

Small Group Personal Training
Every session is in a small group with your own personal coach. Say goodbye to overcrowded, unsafe, non-personal large group classes.  We keep our sizes extra small (it'll feel like you have your own personal trainer with you each workout!).

Start At Your Own Level
Whether you're just getting started or stuck in a rut, we'll design a custom program just for you and your goals.

A Lifestyle Approach To Health & Fitness
We don't just focus on one aspect of fitness. We focus on fitness, eating, lifestyle, sleep and all the things that can influence your goals.

You'll Fit Right In!
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive facility where everyone here will know your name so you'll always feel welcomed, accepted, safe, and supported. You'll never feel judged or intimidated.

Joint Friendly Workouts!
Each workout is customized around your pains, discomforts, and injuries. We will avoid high impact training that hurts your joints or makes you feel worse than when you started.

We're With You EVERY Step Along The Way!
Just show up and we'll do the rest. You're never alone here. No more showing up and not knowing what to do. You don't have to think.

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