Member Spotlight May 2017
May 2017:
Member Spotlight of the Month: Janet 💪
Although it’s known that a picture is worth 1,000 words, this picture is probably worth about 3,287 words…
Janet joined our fitness family back in January for our first ever 6 Week Challenge. When I met Janet, my first thoughts were…”wow, what a nice woman, I can’t wait to help her manage her fitness a bit better.” Janet told me she wanted to lose weight, she wanted to tone and tighten areas that, over the years, have found new ways to hang around.
Fast forward to post-challenge Janet. The Janet I know now is nothing but a lean, mean (smiling), “Matt made me do it” machine! Without hesitation, she grabs heavier weights, she performs all of the exercises, and she looks great doing it! I’m so proud of you, Janet! Keep up the fantastic work, lady!!
…allow me to sum up the 3,287 words of this picture into just a short quote: “I’m going to smile for this picture, because I’m super strong, I’ve lost inches, gained so much muscle, I’m way more fit now than when I started, and Matt takes a bajillion photos of us working out all the time, so I might as well give him one good smiling one.” – Janet Maffei (actually, my words) wink 😉 🤜